Written by Andrea Ballance -

Illustrated by Grasya Oliyko

CREATURE is my first published children's story. Flying Eye Books saw the magic in my story and found Ukrainian illustrator Grasya Oliyko. Together we crafted this magical tale.

Creature is dreaming and playing in space, causing worlds to be born in the big bangs she creates. Her eyes shine like nebulas as she surveys the vast expanse she calls home. Silence and stillness envelop her, as she readies herself to POUNCE! Open your eyes to beauty and wonder in galaxy-sized proportions with this magical, mystical picture book. Written in rhythmic prose with lively and bright illustrations, this calming and beautiful combination of the comfort of cats and the magic of space is the perfect bedtime read.


I drew up some worksheets for children.

You can download them here from Flying Eye Books' website.

Flying Eye Books interviewed me about my process and here is a link to that interview and an excerpt.

A chat with Andrea Ballance

Flying Eye Books: Hi Andrea! Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions. Could you tell us a bit about your book, Creature, and what inspired you to write it?

Andrea Ballance: I would love to!

My story is a fun and mind-expanding exploration of space through the imagination of a creative family cat. In her imagination, she is an epically proportioned space creature with magical world-creating powers. She climbs nebulas and drinks from the Milkyway and it’s all just in a day’s work for this family cat.

I was inspired to write Creature because I wanted to create a piece of art that takes you out of your normal life for a moment. A story that pulls you out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary. Kids worry about so much these days and there is so much to be worried about. A book that lifts you off this world and has you bounding around space with a huge space cat seemed like just what I needed to write.

Here is a CREATURE craft project.

Creature, has been translated into Korean.

I am so happy that Creature has been translated into Korean. I am personally bonkers about Korean TV and stories.

This is a big thing for me!
